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Das Kraftwerk

Ein Symposium zum 20. Todestag von Einar Schleef


21 July 2021 marked 20 years since the passing of universal artist Einar Schleef. In her obituary for him, Elfriede Jelinek wrote that there had only been two geniuses in post-WWII Germany: Fassbinder in Western Germany, and the East Germany-born Einar Schleef, the “powerhouse” who “generated electricity”. Indeed, Schleef’s impact on theatre can hardly be rated highly enough, given the enormous role he played in resurrecting the idea of the chorus. He is probably best known for his original production of Jelinek’s EIN SPORTSTÜCK (SPORTS PLAY) at the Burgtheater in 1998, which he followed up with WILDER SOMMER (based on Goldoni) and Ulla Berkéwicz’s DER GOLEM VON BAYREUTH.

The symposium will feature academics, artists, and friends and colleagues of Schleef who will present their individual views of his legacy in the form of lectures, discussions, readings and artistic interventions.


  • mit
    Evelyn Annuß,
    Elisabeth Augustin, Bibiana Beglau,
    Robert Borgmann,
    Claudia Bosse,
    Henning Burk,
    Jörn Etzold,
    Silke Felber,
    Ulrike Haß,
    Christine Groß,
    Bettina Hering,
    Maria Kuberg,
    Thomas Köck,
    Monika Meister,
    Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling,
    Linn Settimi,
    Rita Thiele,
    Christine Standfest,
    sowie einer Grußbotschaft von Elfriede Jelinek,
  • Chorleitung
    Martin Woldan,
Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 2 Stunden - keine Pause
Zusatzinformation € 10,- / kein Wahlabo
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