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Jedermann Reloaded

Philipp Hochmair & Die Elektrohand Gottes
Szenenfoto Jedermann Reloaded
© Heike Blenk

Philipp Hochmair is Everyman. In an impassioned show of strength, Hochmair plays all the roles and turns Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s play into a many-voiced monologue. A dialogue with two microphones. One for Everyman and one for the others. His Everyman is a rock star. Accompanied by the driving guitar riffs and experimental sounds of the band Die Elektrohand Gottes, Philipp Hochmair transforms the 100-year-old mystery play into an apocalyptic spoken word concert. “The story of the life and death of a wealthy man” becomes a compelling experience that makes Everyman recognisable as a contemporary who is consumed by his insatiable greed for money and intoxication. The topic is timeless and of lasting relevance: “What remains of my life when death comes?”

  • mit
    Philipp Hochmair,
Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 1 Stunde 30 Minuten - keine Pause
Sitzplan D
Zusatzinformation € 44,- bis € 7,50
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