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In Abänderung: Die Eingeborenen von Maria Blut

Maria Lazar | Bühnenfassung von Lucia Bihler und Alexander Kerlin
© Susanne Hassler-Smith

Maria Blut is an idyllic village with a pilgrimage chapel, located just a few hours from Vienna by train. It is the dawn of the 1930s, Dollfuß is Chancellor, and the residents of “The Austrian Lourdes” are in a state of agitation. The canning factory on the outskirts of the village has been forced to close down. The businessman Schellbach is now trying to persuade the anxious townsfolk to invest in his new product, “space power”. Many of them are digging into their savings to pay for it. But when Schellbach commits suicide in the middle of the village fair and his business goes up in flames, a frightening dynamic develops in Maria Blut. The suspected arsonists are quickly identified – and must now fear for their lives. 

The Viennese author Maria Lazar (1895–1948) was one of the most insightful literary voices of her time. In short, engrossing scenes of linguistic brilliance she brings to life two dozen delightfully unconventional characters and captures their struggle between devotion to the Virgin Mary, belief in miracles, conspiracy theories and the stirrings of ultra-nationalism on the eve of the National Socialist era. Maria Lazar lived in exile for years due to her Jewish heritage and used pseudonyms to publish her extensive work, which is only now being rediscovered. An excerpt from DIE EINGEBORENEN VON MARIA BLUT was published in Bertolt Brecht’s underground magazine “Das Wort” in 1937. This is the second staging of a work by Lazar at the Akademietheater, following DER HENKER (“The Executioner”) in the 2019/20 season. This production is directed by Lucia Bihler, who recently also was at the Helm of Thomas Bernhard’s THE HUNTING LODGE at the Akademietheater.



Beschreibung Information
amendments Notice
In Abänderung wegen einer Erkrankung im Ensemble statt: DER EINSAME WESTEN
Dauer und Pausen 1 Stunde 45 Minuten - keine Pause
Sitzplan A
Abo / Zyklus Abo 6
Element 1 von 2

Einladung zum Theatertreffen

Unter den 10 ausgewählten Inszenierungen für dass Theatertreffen 2023 sind auch zwei Produktionen des Burgtheaters: ZWIEGESPRÄCH und DIE EINGEBORENEN VON MARIA BLUT
Element 2 von 2


Wir luden die Sozialanthropologin, Künstlerin und Aktivistin Anahita Neghabat zu einer Vorstellung von DIE ENGEBORENEN VON MARIA BLUT ein. Ihre Eindrücke hielt sie in unserem Fragebogen fest.
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