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Tena Štivičić

3 Winters is a hefty Croatian saga that describes a wounded world. HEMAYAT, an association specialising in trauma, and the Burgtheater are pleased to host a special performance, followed by a discussion that uses the production as a jumping-off point to talk about post-war traumas. How do people live with memories of war? How can both individuals and entire regions process them in order to move on? How can this gain acceptance as a topic between different generations? How is it possible to forgive?

One-time special price including discussion € 6

Audience discussion with Nora Ramirez Castillo (psychologist and therapist for HEMAYAT), ensemble members Branko Samarovski and Nina Siewert, and Jeroen Versteele (dramatic script editor).

Moderation: Florian Klenk, FALTER

In cooperation with HEMAYAT & FALTER

Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 3 Stunden 15 Minuten - 1 Pause
Sitzplan A
Zusatzinformation einmaliger Sonderpreis € 6,- in Kooperation mit HEMAYAT & FALTER
Aus dem Magazin #15
Element 1 von 2

Kroatien 2023

In DREI WINTER beleuchtet die Autorin Tena Štivičić die kroatische Geschichte in historischen Rückblicken. Was können wir aus der Vergangenheit lernen? Die Historikerin Marie-Janine Calic über Kroatien 2023.
Element 2 von 2

Probenbesuch: DREI WINTER

Ein Probenbesuch mit Tena Štivičić bei den Proben ihres Stücks DREI WINTER.
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